Post by andyman on Feb 22, 2007 19:02:07 GMT -5
Yes, I recall a few issues later the Beast returns his to become a full time Defender.
Since you are midstream in your post ("She picks a stall and..."), the Thing needs to post, and I have to be at work early tomorrow, I'll delay my update another day.
Thank you,
Post by andyman on Feb 23, 2007 20:11:04 GMT -5
I made a mistake! It was an Avengers ID that the Beast had in Avengers 239. This was not a communicard. The communicard did not come until later. (It's described in Avengers Annual 21.) I'm so sorry! Captain Marvel uses a wrist communicator in Avengers 236 without her mask on. (So there is no video.)
Post by talismanhex on Feb 23, 2007 21:17:35 GMT -5
I will make the correction.
Post by talismanhex on Feb 25, 2007 15:52:07 GMT -5
Is there a dance floor at Squid's? And if so is there a band?
Post by andyman on Feb 25, 2007 17:15:28 GMT -5
Sorry, Squid's has neither. It's not that 'fancy'.
Post by talismanhex on Feb 26, 2007 1:10:48 GMT -5
I did a lot of alibiing. Sorry if I went too far. Let me know and I will correct my post.
Post by andyman on Feb 26, 2007 18:58:54 GMT -5
talismanhex - That's fine because you allocated stones to back up your "assumptions" that things would go your way. I'm also okay with you coming up with reasonable names for people that I failed to name... like Scab. I feel this lets you as the player have some artistic license and fun with the game. trheel did something similar when he stated that Aunt May's favorite TV show was A-Team. Why not? It's funny!
Neros - Captain America only heals one stone of Health every 12 hours. (That's 2X Normal Healing.) At his current Health of 2 his maximum Energy is 6 (not 12). This is why Captain America's Energy was 6, then 5, then 4. (Spending 3 and regenerating 2 each Panel.)
Note: Captain America was blasted by the Beetle and suffered Radioactive Man's explosion prior to you taking over the character. This happened at approximately 11:30 AM, so at 11:30 PM you'll heal back to 3 stones of Health (max Energy 9).
Also, Marvel Universe is played in panels. So even if hours pass between panels I will normally only regenerate the energy for one Panel's worth. (However, Health will heal via game 'wall clock' time.) Even with hours between panels, Captain america may not have "rested" the whole hour and a half. He may have hustled down stairs, chased the taxi and been out of breath when he got in the taxi. Who knows? Therefore, I follow the Panel rules. (Even if your character sleeps, he could still wake up groggy... less than full Energy.)
Post by Neros on Feb 27, 2007 1:05:33 GMT -5
... Maximum energy??? I belive you are the only one running with that for Durability based characters, and you could have told me you used damage like that
Might as well clear up where Captain America is placed Aka, i need to see what options there is since i can't see the enviroment and you cant draw a image (well you could, but that just leads to allot of uploading.)
But you dident tell me what options there was, so ill presume there is a building nearby with a fireescape.
Post by andyman on Feb 27, 2007 13:04:44 GMT -5
Neros: Sorry, I didn't know I was deviating from the norm with my application of the Max Energy = Current Health X 3 rule. I thought that was the standard rule. Anyway, That's the rule we are using here at the Daily Bugle.
Also, I encourage everyone to be creative with their posts, to a limit that makes sense. I mentioned this earlier in this OOC thread, but I'll mention it again. to speed the game along you can assume that any reasonable need is available in your surroundings. For example, the Thing decided to hide behind a dumpster. I decided that it made sense for one to be available for him so that was fine. However, talismanhex asked if there was a band or a dance floor at Squids. This he has to ask because he was not sure just how crummy squids was. I then let him know that it's too crummy to have a dance floor or a band.
I will include maps at times... even later in this adventure... but I don't have one for every setting. Therefore be creative. If you need a mailbox drop you can find one very easily. If you need a fire escape, sure that makes sense. If you need a swimsuit model offering you an anti-tank weapon... FORGET IT! However, make sure to allocate stones on your posts where you are being imaginative. If I think you are being stingy with your stones, you may not find what you want... or you might find it, but there may be adverse consequences. For example, take the stinky dumpster the Thing hid behind for 30 minutes. The Thing now reeks of garbage. :-)
Post by pogmothoin on Feb 27, 2007 13:31:17 GMT -5
HEY! I forgot we were spose to use stones on that...geesh...
Sure just hate on the big orange guy, he's not made of stone you know, he has feelings too...* sniff sniff*
Post by Neros on Feb 27, 2007 13:58:49 GMT -5
That rule is only standard for Intelligence Characters... DUR based characters get lowered Energy Regeneration when harmed, but INT character dont. Which is why they added the "for each health lost you lose 3 maximum energy"... As i see it, by applying the rule for DUR based characters aswell, you limit them ALLOT compared to INT based (which will hardly be slowed down at all)
Hmmm... How about letting the dumbster being filled with Fish, then he will attract allot of cats.... And to make the scenario abit more fun, have Captain America slip on his way up the fire escap and fall strait into the dumbster, splattering old fish guts and flesh all over the place..... mmmmmh....
Post by andyman on Feb 27, 2007 18:45:19 GMT -5
I'm not so mean as to have Cap fall into a dumpster of fish parts, but I do want to continue with the decreased maximum energy when hurt philosophy. When we have an Intelligence based character, their max energy will be limited too. Now game on!
Post by andyman on Mar 4, 2007 15:31:33 GMT -5
Power Stunts and Energy --------------------------
I'm a long time fan of the classic Marvel Super Heroes RPG from TSR. In the Classice Marvel game, there were special rules for Power Stunts. This covered situations where superheroes stretched the rules to do cool stuff with their powers. The example given in the Advanced Player's rulebook is:
Example: In one issue of X-Men, Nightcrawler uses his power to make three quick teleports, behind three seperate opponents. He does it again several issues later. This means he has pulled this Power Stunt twice.
I want to use this concept in the Daily Bugle's Marvel Universe RPG game, but it will work differently here. Here, power stunts are do-able, but they cost more Energy to pull off.
If you read Nightcrawler in the comics, he doesn't ALWAYS make 3 attacks in a round. Q: Well why not? A: Because it drains his energy to port three times in one panel.
I'll give an example for each one of the four current characters.
Captain America: One of Captain America's established Power Stunts is to bounce his sheild off a number of hard surfaces and have it return to him the following round. Q: Why is Captain America always seen in close combat in the comics, if he has this amazing ranged capability? A: Because it costs more stones to perform the trick shot of having his shield return to him.
Captain Marvel: She has become X-rays in the past to pass through walls and check out an evil headquarters invisibly. Q: Captain Marvel is normally in a visible light energy form. Why doesn't she go invisible all the time and kick all the bad guy's asses? A: Because it costs more energy to be in X-Ray form than it does to be in a visible light form.
Spider-Man: Spider-Man has created web-shield, web-nets, web-parachutes and other web things in the past. Q: Howcome Spider-Man's CAd doesn't mention all these cool things he can make with his webs. A: Because what he can do is up to the GM, who will also decide how many stones need to be spent in shooting his webs just right, so he can create something other than a sticky mess.
Thing: Doesn't the Thing sometimes clap or blow air to knock out opponents. Q: What's that all about? A: If the Thing's player spends enough stones on Strength for a modest effect, the GM may rule that he succeeds.
I hope this message clarifies. If it just makes the game more confusing, please let me know.
Post by andyman on Mar 10, 2007 20:31:50 GMT -5
Unless Thing or Captain America post that there is something else they want to do or say outside Squid's, I'll fast forward the story to the front of the Elliot Building tomorrow.
Post by andyman on Mar 15, 2007 20:46:33 GMT -5
Chronology update!
Since y'all decided to stay up so late on Monday night, Iron Man issue 172 had to have happened last night. I made the adjustment.
Maybe I can find some other way to bring Firebrand into the story at a later time, so he can get his butt kicked. :-)