Post by Stark on Jun 13, 2008 7:38:37 GMT -5
Sometimes a single word or a small sentence is enough to bring back very painful memories. That's what happened that very moment. Dozens of images flashed through Eros' mind at a very high speed... Mar-Vell alive, speaking with him and his father... He and Eros fighting together against the clutches of Thanos... His friend dead and cold for all eternity.
He came back to reality, and realized he had been standing there for like a second without saying anything, and when he looked at Captain America, the man didn't appear to be opposed to the arrival of the costumed man.
-... I... sorry. I lost myself in thoughts for a second. Please come in... I'm Starfox.
He shrinked back a few steps to allow Spider-Man in; he wasn't sure either if he could reveal his real name to this man, so he told him the nickname Janet had found for him... not that he liked it that much, but it was necessary, as the Wasp had told him.
-You seem not much surprised by this visit, Cap... I wasn't aware we were expecting someone? ---------- Start H: 4/4 E: 12/12
3 stones into Intelligence to focus his thoughts on reality and...
3 stones into Social Skills to greet Spider-Man properly, as well as introducing himself.
E: 6/12 Defense: 2 (Toughness)
Post by Presto on Jun 13, 2008 11:26:05 GMT -5
Scarlet Witch smiled softly, thinking it was a pleasant sort of visit. She wondered though, what could bring the usually solitary hero around. It was rare that the Avengers got a visit just for a visit, but then again there was no telling with this one.
She sighed and leaned forward, resting her cheek on her glove, suddenly begining to feel the boredom of her duty, contemplating abandoning her post to go down and greet their visitor along with the others.
Post by andyman on Jun 13, 2008 21:16:37 GMT -5
She-Hulk eventually throws on a black and green lycra one-piece and some tennis shoes with the socks bunched up at the bottom (OOC: I'm going for something very 80's.) When she sees it's just Spider-Man, she smiles, "Spidey! What are you doing here?" She-Hulk's black and green one-piece is in the laundry. She finds an orange one and wears that instead.
Post by vjcsmoke on Jun 13, 2008 22:23:16 GMT -5
Spider-man smiles when the She-Hulk makes her appearance. "Well I actually came to talk business. But I wanted to give you this while I'm here too." He hands her the photo that he took of them both posing with her lifting a car and smiling. "It came out great. Made the front page of the Bugle!" I'm not even going to go into the headline JJ decided to give it: Spiderman and Green Menace terrorize downtown! I really don't know what his problem is...
Post by WildKnight on Jun 14, 2008 8:21:23 GMT -5
Captain America gestured vaguely. I wasn't expecting anyone... but I'm not that easy to surprise anymore, Eros.
So, wanna tell us what's on your mind, son? Jan is the Chairperson, so if its really important business, you're going to want her here. As he talked, Cap clapped Spidey on the shoulder. He liked the kid, even if he thought he wasn't serious enough about a very dangerous business sometimes.
Post by andyman on Jun 14, 2008 21:24:41 GMT -5
Captain America gestured vaguely. I wasn't expecting anyone... but I'm not that easy to surprise anymore, Eros.
So, wanna tell us what's on your mind, son? Wanda is the Chairperson, so if its really important business, you're going to want her here. As he talked, Cap clapped Spidey on the shoulder. He liked the kid, even if he thought he wasn't serious enough about a very dangerous business sometimes. Janet Van Dyne is the chariperson. Please edit. By the way, that's the second time you've made that mistake. You must really like the name "Wanda".
Post by andyman on Jun 15, 2008 9:32:29 GMT -5
Janet Van Dyne, the Wasp, enters the foyer with a very relaxed look on her face until she sees, "Spider-Man!"
Everyone is at full Health and Energy.
Post by vjcsmoke on Jun 15, 2008 18:36:21 GMT -5
"In the flesh," replies Spider-man matter of factly as he turns to face Janet van Dyne. "It also seems that you're the very person that I need to speak to, must be my lucky day!" What Peter Parker may have lacked in experience with these sorts of matters he more than made up for in bravado and came straight to the point. "Well, I don't know if Thor has mentioned this matter to you but I was thinking about taking him up on his offer to join the team..." He let his words and their implication hang in the air for a moment before adding,"Though of course you probably all want to talk it over before you decide on anything." He shrugged eloquently and let the chips fall where they would, his piece had been said. Those who thought well of him might support him joining and those who didn't would speak against it. He was just glad JJ wasn't here to badmouth him. The ball had been served, now how would the return volley turn out?
Post by andyman on Jun 15, 2008 20:16:53 GMT -5
OOC FYI: Yon Spider-Man doth speaketh the truth. It happened in Avengers issue 221.
Post by WildKnight on Jun 17, 2008 7:26:56 GMT -5
Cap folded his arms over his chest and smiled. You think you're Avengers material? Thor's recommendation carries big weight with me... but I'm just a bit concerned about you getting hurt. We don't spend much time hanging purse snatchers from light posts...
He doesn't mean to be arrogant, or condescending. He genuinely does respect Spider-Man, especially with Thor's endorsement, but he thinks of Spider-Man primarily beating up low life like the Vulture, not saving the world from the likes of Loki! On the other hand, every great hero starts somewhere... and the Avengers aren't quite what they used to be either...
Post by Stark on Jun 18, 2008 8:36:38 GMT -5
Eros suddenly remembers where else he had seen the one named Spider-Man... The newspapers, the Daily Bugle. It had pictures of him. But somehow, he can't remember what the article was about, mostly because he was more interested at that time in Janet Van Dyne than in what she was reading. But Starfox held in great respect whoever had come to honor the soul of his close friend Captain Mar-Vell at his funeral, so he felt the need to express his support to the newcomer:
-Yet no crime is insignificant, isn't it Cap? I myself am not much experienced as an Avenger... and Thor hasn't recommended me.
He leant against a nearby wall, not wanting to miss a word of the conversation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start H: 4/4 E: 12/12
1 stone into Intelligence to remember he's seen Spidey in the Daily Bugle
4 stones into Social Skills (Persuade) to mention his support to Spider-Man.
End E: 7/12 Defense: 2 (Toughness)
Post by andyman on Jun 18, 2008 21:17:55 GMT -5
"I'm afraid it's not that simple," the Wasp says. "Hawkeye's on sick leave right now, but when he returns, our active roster will be filled... we have a six member limit."
The Wasp thinks for a moment and then says softly to herself, "I suppose Spider-Man could join Starfox in our training program..."
Everyone is at full Health and Energy.
Post by Presto on Jun 18, 2008 23:01:43 GMT -5
"I would like to see what he can do first hand as well." Wanda said, as she stood at the doorway. She had decided to join the others, particularly as it didn't seem like anything too world shattering was going to occur at the comm.
"Judging from his experiences, he has earned a chance... hasn't he?" She asked, although even her tone was uncertain. Mostly because she still didn't feel quite like she was enough of a member to make any real votes of the type, but she was quickly becoming acclimated to her place among the heroes.
Post by Stark on Jun 18, 2008 23:26:21 GMT -5
Eros smiled slightly. -Well, I sure would appreciate not being the only rookie on the team. He gets my vote, for what it's worth.He wasn't a true member, but he still wanted to let them know of his opinion. After all, as far as he knew, Spider-Man was a hero with all rights to be called as such. Little had he heard about him, but all he heard seemed to indicate the young man was a courageous, devoted, strong-willed hero... all qualities his late friend Mar-Vell had plentifully. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start H: 4/4 E: 12/12 3 stones into Social Skills (Persuasion) to vote for Spidey to become a Avenger trainee such as him... End E: 9/12 Defense: 2 (Toughness)
Post by WildKnight on Jun 19, 2008 18:03:13 GMT -5
Cap smiled. If he accepts the risks, then I'd gladly have him at my side in a fight. I'd get a chuckle out of seeing Red Skull eat webbing.