Post by Dullahan on Dec 10, 2010 19:40:44 GMT -5
The Danger Room? Why would she go in there? Storm wondered. Whatever the reason, they would have to be ready. She followed Wolverine in, and provided some covering fire, in the form of a lightning bolt right at Jean.
********************************************************* H:3/3 E:3/9
Action 1: 3 stones to Mastery of Weather to blast Jean, X2 damage.
H:3/3 E:0/9 D:1 RD
Post by andyman on Dec 17, 2010 20:51:42 GMT -5
The Danger Room has generated a facsimile of the Savage Land!
What surrounds the X-Men is a sophisticated illusion--mixing three-dimensional, holographic projections with real set pieces.
Dark Phoenix is nowhere in sight.
Nightcrawler's Health: 1/3 Nightcrawler's Energy: 9/9
Rogue's Health: 3/3 Rogue's Energy: 5/9
Storm's Health: 3/3 Storm's Energy: 3/9
Wolverine's Health: 5/5 Wolverine's Energy: 15/15
Post by dorkknight23 on Dec 18, 2010 3:46:06 GMT -5
Nightcrawler is on the defensive. He has little he can do, but he will stand by his friends and do what he can. There but for the grace of God... "What next?" he asks, almost rhetorically.
========= Health 1/3 Energy 9/9
4 into Close Combat, shifted to defense
Def +6 (RD, CC)
Health 1/3 Energy 5/9
Post by Manah on Dec 20, 2010 1:02:11 GMT -5
Rogue was angry and eager to rain down her righteous fury upon the Dark Phoenix, but she couldn't punch what she couldn't see, and madly rushing in without thinking... again... would have been foolish, especially in the Danger Room, and especially when her friends were around to help. Xavier would have told them to work as a team... she just hoped he was okay. All those who had died...
-"What next"?... ah say we go an' find the lass. And once we find her, we stop her. One way or 'nother.
She calmed down, somewhat. It felt reassuring to know she wouldn't be the only one to be facing the Dark Phoenix. She still didn't think there was much hope, but...
-Listen up, blue boy. Ah know things look real bad... no, ARE real bad. So many deaths... and ah've no idea if anythin' can be done 'bout it. But not everybody's gone. All y'all are still here, with me, and together we're still the X-Men, yes? ...So we must try. Maybe if we can knock her down somehow... and get her to the Professor... maybe he'll know what to do. Now, ah'm gonna find her and fight her. Who's with me? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just regenerating, and giving a little pep talk to my friends. ^_^
Post by shenron on Jan 3, 2011 18:09:42 GMT -5
"We need to search for her, watch out for dangers, no pun intended bub, we should also stay together."
Post by Dullahan on Jan 10, 2011 18:28:45 GMT -5
"Yes. And watch out. There must be a reason she lured us down here." Storm said, and puzzled. Why would someone as powerful as the Phoenix be playing all these games with them?
Post by andyman on Jan 12, 2011 21:20:28 GMT -5
Dense jungle undergrowth surrounds the four X-Men, neutralizing Wolverine's sense of smell, but Jeannie isn't exactly bothering to hide her scent.
[glow=black,2,300]SKRAM![/glow] Logan is ambushed by a force blast from behind and above, knocking him over and burying his adamantium skull into ground!
Nightcrawler can spot Phoenix up on a thick branch, running away.
Nightcrawler's Health: 1/3 Nightcrawler's Energy: 8/9
Rogue's Health: 3/3 Rogue's Energy: 8/9
Storm's Health: 3/3 Storm's Energy: 6/9
Wolverine's Health: 5/5 (The shot was meant to stun.) Wolverine's Energy: 0/15
Post by dorkknight23 on Jan 13, 2011 3:50:54 GMT -5
"LOGAN!" He looks over to Rogue, "Perhaps it is time for a little fastball special, eh liesbchen. In honor of my fallen friend, I shall be the ball, if you shall take the place of Peter in this one instance..."
"In the vernacular: HEAD'S UP!!!"
======== Pending Rogue's acceptance to throw Nightcrawler...
7 into Close Combat, all to attack, all to punching the Phoenix
Def +2 (RD)
Post by Manah on Jan 18, 2011 9:24:43 GMT -5
Rogue looks even angrier when Wolverine is shot down. She was about to once again rush off after the bloody redhead, but she remembered her own words to the others... they had to stick together against her. Plus, Kurt had a very nice idea...
-......You got it, blue boy... Fasten yer' seatbelt!...
She grabbed Nightcrawler, careful not to harm him, took aim... then threw him at their opponent!
-...cause yer' about pass through ae big area of turbulence! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start H: 3/3 E: 8/9
7 stones into Strength to pick Nightcrawler up, and throw him at Jean Grey.
1 stone into Agility to aim properly...
End E: 0/9 Defense: 5 (Toughness) Mental Defense: 7 (1 Intelligence, 6 Mental Defense)
Post by Dullahan on Jan 23, 2011 21:56:01 GMT -5
Storm saw Nightcrawler get thrown, and moved to help. ""Give it all you got Rogue." She said, then used her own powers to stop Jean. Her eyes turned bright white, and the trees began to shake around her. The sky turned darker, to relfect her emotions. Fury. A blast of lightning arced arcoss the Jean, so even if she dodged Nightcrawler, Storm WOULD get her.
******************************************************** H:3/3 E:6/9
Action 1: 2 stones to Leadership to Rogue's throw Action 2: 4 stones to Mastery of Weather, X2 damage to hit Jean(not holding my breathe, but I have to try)
H:3/3 E:0/9 D: 1 RD
Post by shenron on Jan 24, 2011 19:02:27 GMT -5
"Oh, thats going to leave a mark." Logan says as he gets up on shaky kegs rubbing his head. Logan feels dizzy and leans against a tree.
"It feels like all my strength is gone, I might need a minute. Where did she go?"
Post by andyman on Jan 30, 2011 20:43:04 GMT -5
Rogue throws Nightcrawler through the dense rainforest, slapping him against giant leaves, branches and vines. It takes all of Nightcrawler's amazing agility not to be clobbered by a tree trunk! When Kurt does land, it is not on Phoenix, but into quicksand!
Storm looses line of sight to Jean Grey, but after her lightning cracks a tree in half, Rogue, Wolverine and she catch a glimpse of Phoenix escaping on foot!
Nightcrawler's Health: 1/3 Nightcrawler's Energy: 4/9
Rogue's Health: 3/3 Rogue's Energy: 3/9
Storm's Health: 3/3 Storm's Energy: 3/9
Wolverine's Health: 5/5 Wolverine's Energy: 7/15
Post by shenron on Jan 31, 2011 9:01:03 GMT -5
"We need to corner her to do some damage and take her out. I am tired of this cat and mouse game." Wolverince says as he starts tracking her.
Post by Manah on Feb 1, 2011 23:29:32 GMT -5
Rogue could do little but guess that perhaps, just maybe, the fastball special in the middle of the Savage Land wasn't exactly the one and only best idea one could ever have. She managed not to swear aloud, simply flying to where she had thrown her teammate to get him out of that mess. She held out a hand for him to grab on so she could pull him out of the quicksand.
-Well, ain't that sweet?...almost gettin' me friend killed. Am I useful or what?
It was true. That had been dumb. It was his idea, but she shouldn't have agreed to it. What good were her powers if she was too reckless and impulsive to use them adequately? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start H: 3/3 E: 3/9
1 stone into Flight to fly at speed 2 towards Nightcrawler, then...
2 stones into Strength to pull him out of the quicksand, also using my Flight to help if possible.
End E: 0/9 Defense: 5 (Toughness) Mental Defense: 8 (2 Intelligence, 6 Mental Defense)
Post by dorkknight23 on Feb 2, 2011 3:33:48 GMT -5
"Thanks for the assist, fraulein..." Kurt says, happy Rogue was wearing her gloves.
"Now, to track down our elusive guest..."
======= 2 into Intelligence to be on the lookout